An Update from Snyder's Landscape

Update: 4/9/2020

We are just as eager as you are to get back to doing the things we love. Not being able to serve our customers during this pandemic has been hard for us, but we have an obligation to abide by our Governor’s orders. According to the Executive Order issued on 4/9/20, the Stay-at-Home order has been extended to April 30, 2020.

This means that while we can continue to provide our customers, local businesses and residents with estimates, we are unable to perform any of our services. We will provide updates as they become available. Until then, we hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy.

If you have questions, our team can be reached at (517) 646-5952 or you can contact us on our website contact page:

Date: 3/25/2020

We take the health, safety, and well-being of our clients, employees, and communities seriously. In response to our Governor’s executive order, we are temporarily suspending all our services. We plan to resume all services on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, or sooner, if approved by our Governor.

Our Management Team will be working from home and can answer any questions you might have during this time. Our team can be reached at (517) 646-5952 or you can contact us on our website contact page:

Your patience and understanding during these unprecedented times are greatly appreciated. We encourage everyone to practice social distancing and keep safe and healthy.